Hira's commission info

Illustrator, Character designer, live2d artist

Thank you for visiting <3List of commissions I do are listed under the services tab above. Please read the terms of service carefully before placing an order!

I'm also available on VGen. If you'd like a faster process of commissioning me, you can check it out below!

About Me

Hello, most people know me as Hira, from Hira Yukisaku or Hira Icigocha. I'm a freelance illustrator from Singapore who mainly does character illustration, character design and Live2D illustration.

I mainly specialise in 2D works but I also do other stuff like animation, video editing, motion graphics and making music.


My social media, you can discover more of my works through them.
They are also the main ways to contact me if you got any enquiries or inquiries.

Terms of Service

What I will drawWhat I won't draw
✔OCs x canon (selective)✖Hentai
✔Suggestive Content✖Realism

My turn around time varies a lot by commission type and also by my current schedule. Wait time is usually minimally a month.


● Payment through Paypal, Paylah or Paynow only.
● All prices are in USD. SGD only applies for local payment.
● For Paypal, I'll be sending an invoice to your email. If you insist on using my Paypal email to pay, I will not work with you.
● For ease of process, I don't require clients to cover transfer, conversion or platform fees.
● I do not start any work unless I receive some sort of payment first. Either upfront full payment or 50% before sketch then 50% after sketch.
I don't accept client refunds. Please only commission me if you're sure you want my work.

Commission orders

● Clients are served on a first-come-first-serve basis. Your slot is only secured when full payment has been confirmed.
● No revisions after I've sent the final files.
● Most of my commissions are for personal use only unless stated otherwise.
● Commercial fee will be x2.5 total price
● Clients are to remain contactable until the work has been finalised
● Each commission type has an extra set of terms of service, please do read those carefully as well!

Artist Rights

● As the original artist, I still reserve the rights, credits and ownership to the original artwork.
● I have the right to use the artwork as part of my portfolio and on social media.
● I do not condone the use of generating my work through AI for public use
● You don't have to credit me when using the commission but in no way are you allowed to take the credit or put the credit onto someone else.
● I have the right to reject your commission request if I feel that I am unable to fulfill it.
● I have the right to stop working on your commission halfway through if there is a client dispute. (threats, mistreatment etc.)
● If there are any unfortunate circumstances that happen to me in real life that I have to stop the commission, I reserve the right to refund and stop the work process

Commission Services

There are sub-categories under each general service. If you're looking for something specific, it's more than likely to be listed under one of them.

Character Illustration

For Vtubers

Full illustrations

Digital full colored illustrations of your desired character(s) in my artstyle.
Additional terms apply, they are listed at the end of the page.

Headshot/Bustshot - $40

+$10 for detailed illustration
+$10 for environment background
● Includes simple flat color background
● Final files include illustration PNG and transparent character PNG

HalfBody - $60

+$20 for environment background
● Final files include illustration PNG, transparent character PNG. Character against white bg PNG included for orders with background

Fullbody - $80

+$20 for environment background
● Final files include illustration PNG, transparent character PNG. Character against white bg PNG included for orders with background
● For illustrations with background, the character may get cut off in the final image, however the transparent PNG will be in full body without cuts

Additional terms

● Illustrations are for personal use only. Commercial fee is 250% of total price
● My watermark at the corner of the illustration will not be removed unless you paid for commercial rights (you can request for my signature instead tho!)
Additional fee of 50% base price for each extra character applies
+$10 for each large props/weapons and pets
● I will only send you updates in 2 stages, sketch and finished preview.
● Any custom canvas size or DPI does not require additional charge, however, please do state at the beginning of the commission.

Ready to order?

If you are interested or have any questions, you can contact me through these means:

Style specific illustration

If you are looking for art outside of my usual style, I got you covered here!

Simple profile icon - $30

● Bust shot, in flat colour only
● One-shot characters only
● Includes simple coloured background
● Simple stamps can be added! (No extra cost)
● Final files include transparent PNG and square illustration PNG

'Dark' style - $20-$40

Bust - $20
Half-body - $30
Full-body - $40
● **+50% of original price per extra character
● Includes 1-3 colours
+$10 for full colour
● Final files include transparent PNG and Illustration PNG

Danganronpa style

Simple standing pose - $88

+$10 for each extra facial expression
● Full body illustration only
● One-shot characters only
● Includes simple coloured background
● Final files include transparent PNG and Illustration PNG

Complex pose / splash art - $100

+$10 for background props
● Full body illustration only
● One-shot character only
● Includes simple coloured background
● Final files include transparent PNG and Illustration PNG

Anime screenshot

Retain original style - $40

● The anime art style will be referenced from your character artist's style
+$20 for each extra character
Max 3 characters in an illustration
● Will be in either bust or halfbody only
● Subtitles can be added! (No extra cost)
● Final files include Illustration PNG (+PNG with subtitles if applies)

In another anime's style - $50

● The anime art style will be referenced from a specific existing anime of your choice
+$20 for each extra character
Max 3 characters in an illustration
● Will be in either bust or halfbody only
● Subtitles can be added! (No extra cost)
● Final files include Illustration PNG (+PNG with subtitles if applies)

ready to order?

If you are interested or have any questions, you can contact me through these means:

Design reference sheet

Character design reference sheet, commercial use included.

Base price - $50

● Full body front
● Full body back
● Eye(s)
● 3-4 character detail close ups
● Character colour palette
● Flat colour only

Add ons menu

Asset add-onCost
Character design service+$50
Full body side view (1 side)+$20
Full body side view (2 sides)+$30
Headshot front facing+$10
Headshot side facing+$10
Facial expressions (headshot)+$15/ea
Character inner outfit+$30
Hands (nail art)+$12
Extra detail close ups+$5/ea
Simple prop+$10/ea
Detailed prop+$20/ea
Pet (front view)+$20/ea
Pet (back view)+$20/ea


Live2D models

Live2D models for Vtubing, ready to rig only. Commercial use included.

full Model base price - $200

● Includes full body model, 3 expressions
● Includes PSD of model, transparent PNG(s) of model, expression reference sheet
I do not do rigging. However, I have rigging knowledge, if you'd like I can rig your model for no extra cost. Just keep in mind I'm not the best.
This does not include the design of model. If you need a design, see Vtubing bundles.

Add ons menu

Asset add-onCost
Extra expression+$10/ea
Extra arm assets+$12/pair
Small prop+$20/ea
Large prop (max 1)+$40
Riggable pet (max 1)+$100
Interchangable asset+$20/ea
Alternative hairstyle$50++
Alternative outfit$100++

Alternative hairstyle and outfit price are negotiated after discussion.

PNG cutting - $70

● I help cut out your PNG, preparing it for rigging
Please ask your original artist for permission first
● Includes PSD of model
● This does not include any expressions

Reactive png

Reactive transparent PNG for stream use.

PewPew Png - $30

● For personal and stream use only.
● Commercial fee of 250% is to be paid if there are plans to use it outside of personal and stream use.
● I do not send updates for this as it is fast work.
● Final files include 2 transparent character PNG

PNG-tuber - $120

● Commercial use included
Full body PNG, provide me the design
● Includes 4 PNGs (Normal, normal mouth open, eyes closed, eyes closed mouth open)
Expression +$20 each
● Final files include neccessary PNGs + PSD file with PNGs inside.

Ready to order?

If you are interested or have any questions, you can contact me through these means:

Vtubing bundles

If you're looking for an artist to do your model, overlays, logo, and everything you need to start as Vtuber, I gotchu

Starter Bundle - $300

● Full body ready-to-rig live2D model, 3 expressions
● Model teaser image
● 3 emotes
● Stream/chat overlay
● 1 simple illustration

Regular bundle - $450

● Full body ready-to-rig live2D model, 3 expressions
● Model teaser image
● Character reference sheet
● 6 emotes
● Stream/chat overlay
● Static Starting and Ending screens
● Custom logo
● 1 full illustration

Maximum bundle - $600

● Full body ready-to-rig live2D model, 3 expressions
● Model teaser image
● Character reference sheet
● 9 emotes
● Stream/chat overlay
● Environment stream background
● Simple animated Starting and Ending screens
● Custom logo
● 1 Pew pew PNG
● 1 illustration icon
● 1 full illustration

Additional terms

● My design services are included in the package, includes for everything including character design
● If you want extra assets on the live2D model, extra costs apply, please see here for add ons menu
● The live2D model does not include rigging, but if you like, I can rig for you for no extra cost. Just keep in mind I'm not the best at rigging therefore I'm not charging for now. I may also be selective to rigging models, depending on my schedule.
My price does not include service for rigging. There is no extra charge or discount if I decide to rig your model or not.

Ready to order?

If you are interested or have any questions, you can contact me through these means: